Has the President just awoken from his slumber?

Dear Editor,

What happened? Did President David Granger suddenly wake up and become Columbus number two, that he and his administration now discover that he “…believed the rates are high and that there should have been certain parking exemptions from the inception…”

Also, he said, “We do feel that the contract is burdensome…” Why only now?

What did he do with the reports from his two Ministers – Finance and Legal Affairs? He received those reports several months ago. Did he read them at all and note their recommendations?

Anyway, I’m positive that those reports and the recommendations were discussed at Cabinet, but they took a gamble, relying on the loyalty of their own supporters, ie, the kit and kin, for them to remain quiet by all means possible with the rest of the population.

Note that the President said, “…pay your taxes and let the city run properly and WE won’t have to resort to these measures…”

Now, where did the ‘WE’ come from, especially if he and his Cabinet were not part of the entire process?

Anyone who believes that Minister Ronald Bulkan signed on for the parking meters to become operational on his own, needs his/her head examined.

How can any Minister sign on to something on behalf of the government without the blessings of the President and his Cabinet? Just like the Drug Bond, which Minister George Norton eventually confessed, was a Cabinet’s decision.

I do congratulate everyone who has and will continue to protest. The effectiveness of those demonstrations are the real reasons for the Government and the Mayor and City Council waking up and trying to cover up their blunders, with the Government mouth-pieces claiming they are now looking into the wellbeing of the citizens of this dear land.

What really jolted them into action is not just the size of the demonstrations, but the unity of all the demonstrators. This is their real headache and President now telling us about the ‘Terror Clause.’

The parking meters have to be scrapped. We have to remain united, for in unity lies strength. This ‘Terror Clause’ has nothing to do with us. As citizens we were never informed or consulted.

Therefore, let those who were involved and signed on to it, let them pay, be it the Government of the ‘Gang of Four’. Those ‘green monsters’ have to go; we are already under too much financial burdens.

Let them go after those who are not paying taxes to raise revenues.

Yours sincerely,

Chandra Shekar Azad


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