Guyanese immigrants join protests against President Trump’s immigration ban

Guyanese were among the thousands who joined the protests against President Donald Trump’s latest Executive Order barring immigrants from specified Islamic countries from entering the United States. The Order also allows for the detention of immigrants (including refugees) or refusal of entry (regardless of status) into the US even if they have valid visas or green cards.

There were protests all over the US on Saturday and Sunday against the entrance ban and detention of Muslim immigrants from selected countries. The action has been condemned by prominent global figures and it is considered illegal in some quarters.
A judge in Brooklyn Federal High Court issued a temporary restraining order staying the ban till a hearing. Apparently, the President’s Executive Order canceled the visas of many who were already on flights en route to the US, and as such they could not have gotten clearance to enter the country. Thus, they were detained.
Protests erupted spontaneously on Saturday at JFK where immigrants were kept in detention and being sent back on flights to their countries of origin. If those being held in detention are incorrectly returned to their flights of origin or denied due process, the US government will have to pay their costs of return to the US as per past precedents.
The rally at JFK Terminal 4 started at noon with a handful of protesters and by evening it had hit thousands overcrowding the airport’s train and terminal. Hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters had to be turned away. Train service was halted at one time. But NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered the restoration of train service saying the protesters must have their voices heard. Security was very tight inside the airport as the terminals became overcrowded.
Several Indo-Caribbeans joined the protests with one Guyana flag being waved high in the huge crowd; Dr. Dhanpaul Narine waved the flag. A large banner with a logo of SADHANA, a NGO comprising of Indo-Guyanese and South Asians, was held up by two Indo-Caribbean females at the rally condemning the targeting of Muslims by the Trump administration.
Immigration lawyers have been volunteering their service to represent those in detention. A Hispanic member of the New York City Council promised the council will join the fight until every detained immigrant is released.

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